
Name, City/Country: Gregorio Robles, Madrid/Spain
E-Mail: grex scouts-es.org  ('@' removed -- spam-avoidance!)
Vita: Gregorio Robles is a PhD candidate at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. This paper is a small exposition about what his PhD thesis is about and the work on the topic that is done at the System and Communications Group from that university. He has also been involved in the FLOSS project, an European Commission IST-program sponsored project, centered on researching Free/Libre/Open Source Software economic, social and political consequences as well as gathering hard data about Libre Software developers (through a survey and automated authorship tracking in source code). In this area, he also took part in the WIDI survey during his stay at the Technical University in Berlin. He worked for BerliOS, a German Open Source mediator, where he did his diploma thesis. 
Presentation : Libre Software Engineering 
An alternative view of Software Engineering
Date/Time/Duration/Room: Nov, 2nd / 12:00 / 2 hrs. / Room MA005
Abstract: Software Engineering has not been able to mature properly due to propietary practices that (still) predominate the world of commercial software. However, Libre Software and the development methods associated to Libre Software projects offer a great opportunity in order to gain further knowledge on how software is created as well as the interactions that exist among the different participants in its conception. This paper tries to present a quantitative approach based on the extraction, processing and analysis of information originated by/from Libre Software. To see the contributions and possibilities that this new vision may offer to Software Engineering and to Libre Software state-of-the-art and future plans in this field will be shown.