Call for Papers

2. Oekonux-Konferenz

1.-3. November 2002

Technische Universität Berlin

Project Oekonux

Since July 1999 the Project Oekonux (http://www.oekonux.orgRemote link) has dealt with the question, whether and to what extent the principles of the development of Free Software - valuelessness, individual self-unfolding, collective self-organization, and global networking - can give crucial impulses for a new society.

Day by day Free Software practices a new model of production. We think about the question of whether this model can be transferred to other fields of society, or, respectively, study examples where it has - in rudimentary form - already been transferred.

On this basis utopian thoughts are discussed, including thinking about possible forms of organization of a society, in which individual and collective self-unfolding is the main source of societal productivity, and thus as a perspective abolishes the current form of economy based on wage labor, money, and exchange. In these reasonings the way of production of Free Software is the germ form of a model of a society based on voluntary and self-organized cooperation. An alternative view held by some in the project is that Free Software is a text book example of a working self-organization.

The discussions in the project are underpinned by an exact observation of the current developments in the Free Software sector and other fields, which try to transfer their principles. This includes critical voices inside and outside of the project.

The Conference (http://second.oekonux-conference.orgRemote link)

Contributions to the conference can come from a wide spectrum, but should make clear their relation to the principles of Free Software laid out above.

This will be the second conference of this kind. The first one took place in April 2001 in Dortmund and was very successful. It is documented extensively under http://erste.oekonux-konferenz.deRemote link. Discussions which started there in the meantime have been deepened and of course can be continued in the second conference.

Contributions from the following fields are appreciated:

Free Software

Transfer of the principles of Free Software

Technological development

Alternative or anti-economy





Power, domination, and liberation

Free Software, globalization and value criticism

How can Oekonux become practical?

The planned conference shall give room to bundle, collectively re-discuss and make fruitful for all, thoughts which developed in different places independently. Besides getting to know one other in talks and workshops the respective current state of the discussion shall be presented.

Speakers wanted

People interested in giving a talk or preparing a workshop please submit a short outline of their intentions to Project OekonuxMail link.

Deadline for outlines for a talk or a workshop is

1. September 2002

Decision about the chosen contributions is until 15. September 2002.

The conference languages are German and English. Translators are needed!