Questions about my presentation
How many people will attend a presentation?
Among other things it depends on the number of people who attend the conference. The first conference was attended by about 170 people. Usually these people will be distributed between three parallel tracks.
How many people will attend a spontaneous BOF session?
We will have several rooms where spontaneous BOF sessions (unprepared discussion rounds) may take place. We don't know yet how big they will be, but they will probably be seminar rooms with a capacity of 30-40 people.
On which day will my presentation take place?
We will plan a program, in which all planned presentations are scheduled.
How long does a presentation last?
By default we will have two hour slots. Prepared presentations should last not longer than one hour. At least three quarters of an hour should be left for discussion. A quarter hour is used to allow changing rooms.
Is it possible to work practically (computer room, Internet)?
We will try to provide access to the Internet. Probably not many computers will be available. If you like to use such things, please contact the Oekonux project team as soon as possible.
What presentation equipment is available?
We will try to get beamers. Overhead projectors will be available in all rooms.
Which sorts of presentations are possible?
We thought about a number of presentation forms, which you find in the visitor FAQ. If you would like to have another form, please contact the Oekonux project team.
Questions about the papers
Do you need documentation of my contribution?
Yes. We want to document all conference contributions publicly - i.e. on the web.
By default each contribution should be documented as a paper. Length is not dictated by us. In justified exceptions we do accept documentation of the presented slides.
When do you need the paper?
We need the documentation by
November 17th, 2002
To whom I may submit my paper?
Please contact Stefan Merten.
Which format should the paper have?
We don't insist on a special format. Plain text is a useful basis, but HTML is ok, too.
Generally speaking: The simpler, the better. All layout bells and whistles will be removed anyway while reformatting it for the web site. So only markup what is important structurally (headings, emphasis, description of pictures, etc.) and do not hide this information in layout markup like "bold", "italics" or similar.
What happens to my paper?
We will publish all submitted papers on this web site after the conference.
What about copyright?
All papers need to be free from rights of third persons. It is best to put your paper under the GNU Free Documentation License or another Free license. We assume that if we don't have other information.
The mailing list
Why I have been subscribed to
The mailing list serves the coordination of the content of presentations as well as being a simple facility to give organizational hints by the Oekonux project team.
May I re-read older contributions?
Yes, because the mailing list is archived.
Organizational questions
What about costs for travel and what about accommodation?
We will reimburse costs for travelling to and from the conference. Please use cheap travelling opportunities. If it is possible for you to cover your own travelling costs completely or partially, we would be grateful. If you travel by car we only pay the costs for an equivalent train ticket.
If you want to fly, please contact us. Invited speakers receive a estimate of the costs for the flight, which they can book themselves then.
We will try to get private accommodation for all speakers.
Will there be an honorarium?
No. We will only pay for travelling costs and we will provide free private accomodation.
Who may I contact for ...?
In general we work as a team for the preparation of the conference. You may contact us at For some tasks there are special people caring about them. You may contact these directly (please note the obfuscation of email addresses to prevent spammers from harvesting them):
- General care about the speakers: LutzH
- Financial issues, reimbursement of traveling costs: LutzH
- Accomodation: Stefan Meretz stefan.meretz AT
- On-site-helpers: Stefan Meretz stefan.meretz AT
- Papers, documentation: Stefan Merten smerten AT
- Web-site: Stefan Merten smerten AT
A note to international guests: The project team consists more less exclusively from German speakers with differing abilities in the English language. For difficult questions Graham Seaman is available.
Are there more FAQs?
There is a general FAQ, which is meant for all visitors to the conference.